Friday, October 16, 2009

Hair Gel and Hair Spray

A boyfriend or husband will be upset when his girlfriend or husband cuts away her hair. What does mean for a woman who has long hair? In the Bible it also says in the New Testament, "...if a woman has long hair, it is glory to her..." 1st Corinthians 11:15. There is an example of a man who has long hair and special a gift - Samson. When he cuts his hair, he loses his strength. So, even in the olden times, hair does matter to people and it sure does now today.

One difference is that, it does not give anyone special abilities but it does attract one sex to the other. "The average British woman spends an astonishing £36,903.75 on her hair in a lifetime, according to new research. She will spend the equivalent of just under two YEARS of her life washing, styling, cutting, colouring, crimping and straightening her locks in salons or at home". [Mail Online, August 2006]. It also goes for the men, for those who want to lure the opposite species, like the peacock and the peahen. To look nice, you've got to use products and hairstyling materials like hair gel and hair spray. Hair wax is catching up to the trend too. However so, the focus will be on hair gel and sprays.

Hair gel is probably more common to men than to women. Hair gel is to make hair hard or have a wet look. Hair gel contains cationic polymers the functional chemical in hair gel. Viscosity is due to this compound which makes the positive charges stretch. From here, the stretched - out charges causes it to take up more space and to hinder the flow of solvent molecules around it. The cationic charges are attracted to the negative charge of the hair, holding them together. Hair gel is made out as water based, so it can be washed out. A few other examples of chemicals in gel is glycerin sorbitol, triethanoamine and benxophenone-5. Looking at the names, these are of organic origin. glycerin sorbitol is from alcohol and oil. Benzophenone-5 is a definitely comes from a benzene group, phenol (a type of alcohol) and a ketone group.

Hair spray. It originally consists of carbon, chlorine and fluorine compounds. Since now, widely known for the inducer of global warming, manufacturers has used another solvents like alcohol and hydrocarbons, which has less devastating effect on the environment. One of the polymers used is a water soluble polyvinylpyrrolidine, which is also used to glue the layers of wood in plywood together. Polydimethylsiloxane contrasting to polyvinylpyrrolidine, insoluble in water is to sustain it longer. Pytocalcious chemicals are another family of ingredients in hair spray, which increase the amount of minerals in the hair's root causing the hair to become stiff.

What ever the chemicals are, it sure does great things to our hair.

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