Monday, October 12, 2009


Coffee is drank all around the world. It is one of the most popular drinks in the whole world. It is a commodity second only to oil.

Coffee, like other plants, contains thousands of chemical components with different characteristics. Although it is one of the most studied plants, many components still remain undetected and little is known about the effects on humans of the majority of the substances present in the coffee bean and the coffee that we drink. The typical compounds found in coffee are caffeine, trigonelline and organic acids.

Caffeine, in its pure state exists as a white powdered alkaloid with and intensely bitter taste.

Ever wondered why people drink drinks containing caffeine to keep awake, why students drink coffee to stay awake while studying into the wee hours of the morning?

Caffeine operates using the same mechanisms as amphetamines, cocaine and heroin to stimulate the brain but with milder effects. A chemical in the brain called adenosine binds to receptors and slows down nerve cell activity when we are sleeping. Caffeine looks like adenosine to a nerve cell and hence it binds to the receptor. As it is not adenosine, the cell's activity does not slow down. The cell cannot "see" the adenosine anymore as the receptors are taken up by caffeine. So, instead of slowing down, the cell speeds up.
The pituitary gland notices this activity and thinks some emergency is going on and so it releases hormones which tell the adrenal gland to release adrenaline. Adrenaline is a "fight" hormone, it increases heart rate, opens up the breathing tubes, causes the liver to release glucose into the bloodstream for extra energy and tightens muscles, ready for action.

That is why after drinking coffee, your muscles tense up, your heart beat increases and you feel excited. Besides that, as amphetamines,caffeine increases the level of dopamine which is associated with the pleasure system in the brain, providing feelings of enjoyment and reinforcement.

Coffee is one of life's pleasures. For a majority of adults, coffee can be enjoyed in moderation (4 to 5 regular size cups a day). It helps maintain important body fluid levels besides increasing alertness and keeps us going throughout the day.

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